How to Care for Plexiglass

When it comes to preserving plexiglass, there are a number of problems that people commonly run into. Here’s how to avoid the most common ones.

The number 1 problem with Plexiglass acrylic is the use of incorrect cleaners.
If you know what cleaners you should be using for your plexiglass, you will preserve it properly and enjoy it longer.

1. First and foremost, please…never, ever, use cleaners containing ammonia. Cleaners such as Windex or 409 will harm your piece of acrylic. Use only products specifically recommended for cleaning acrylic such as Novus #1 or Brillianize. Note: a mild solution of dish detergent and warm water takes off stubborn dirt easily without harming the acrylic. Clean plexiglass with a neutral cleaner such as a solution of water and a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent — a teaspoon per pint of water should do the trick.

2. Never use a dry cloth or your hand to clean your acrylic! This rubs the dirt and dust INTO the acrylic as much as it rubs it OFF. First, blow the dust or dirt off, or use water and a soft cloth to float the dirt off. Then use a recommended cleaner to complete the job. Apply the solution generously to a sponge or soft cloth and wipe the plastic surface gently.


The number 2 problem with acrylic and plexiglass is SHOCK.
Dropping your acrylic can cause cracking: From large cracks that deal a death blow, to small chips that can turn into mortally wounding cracks. Cracks in an acrylic sheet can be HALTED by drilling a small (1/8″ diameter) hole at the end of the crack. This will keep your sheet in 1 piece while you call us for a replacement.

The number 3 problem is scratching.
Scratch Removal: In the event that, after taking meticulous steps to prevent it, your Plexiglass acrylic becomes scratched, HAVE NO FEAR. Fine scratches can be removed with a mild abrasive polish such as Novus #2, or Novus #3. Heavier scratches, such that you can feel with your fingernail, will require some elbow effort to remove with a bit of sanding and buffing. A series of grits (150,400,600) followed by a buffing wheel and available buffing compound, will restore the luster of your Plexiglass acrylic!