You’ve got 30 photos lying about your apartment. Some on the floor, some propped up against the walls, a few you’ve tried to hang yourself with less than perfect success. You’ve got better things to do than struggle with a drill, hammer, and level. What you really want is for those photos to magically fly onto the wall in a perfect arrangement that is properly and securely installed.
So you decide to hire a professional art hanging service, specifically ILevel, because you know they’ll get the job done quickly, efficiently, and beautifully. And since it’s the holiday season and magic really does happen, you come home one day to find the project finished and looking amazing. Then you realize the best part of working with a professional picture hanging company is the surprise and delight you feel when the project is done. And you happily gush on the voicemail of your genius professional art installer.
*actual transcription of a voicemail message from a highly satisfied ILevel customer.