You’re Invited: ILevel Staff Art Show in NYC, June 6th

ILevel’s multi-talented and creative staff of designers install art by day, and make compelling artwork of their own by night. Come view a group show of their work, an eclectic mix of painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, and more.

Opening Reception: June 6th, 6 pm to 8 pm @ ILevel, 37 East 7th Street

Works by: Alex Fogt, Andrew Smenos, Carlos Rodriguez, David Grois, David Kassel, David Stern, George Louarsabishvili, Jack Stadtlander, Jeff DiRaimo, John Meroney, Jon McCafferty, Jon Rosenblum, Michael Woody, Patrick Resing Scott Wilson.

ILevel is open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, weekends and evenings by appointment. To make an appointment to visit the show or to schedule an installation project call 212.477.4319 or email

37 East 7th Street, circa 1939