NEWS and the Art Genome Project

There is a new platform for art sales and it’s name is It is not an auction house or a gallery per se, but almost considers itself a museum that you can buy things from. It’s magic beans are a database it has created called “The Art Genome Project,” which is a program they’ve written to analyzed “how abstract” a painting is or “what part Surreal is it.” Which of course just sounds like a weird thing to quantify, but it is their baby, so let them run with it. I am always interested in considering art in new ways and I think it is about time 2D art made it to the internet. Most every other type of retail outlet has found the web to be a money-saver and I know that galleries will eventually feel the same way. Most art is consumed in JPEGs nowadays, so the transition to online art sales will not be that difficult. The Death of Physical Gallery Showrooms, your name is

More info can be found in this video Q&A with the founder of the site