A brick wall is a unique accent that instantly adds character to a home — but it can also present challenges when it  comes to decorating. Hanging wall art and photos on brick is not as easy as simply nailing a picture hanger into a stud or screwing an anchor into some drywall. It takes a little bit more planning and effort to display art on a masonry surface like brick, plaster, or concrete … but it can be done…. Read More.

We’ve talked before about the importance of choosing the right art for a retail store design. The pictures on the walls in any shop not only reinforce its brand and inform its overall atmosphere, but can affect the way customers feel about their experience from the moment they walk in…. Read More.

New York art lovers: We’re excited to announce the next art exhibit we’ll be hosting in our East Village studio space, An Interior Garden of Botanical Art. The show, a joint effort by ILevel and botanical art expert Susan Frei Nathan, will feature a beautiful collection of contemporary botanical art on vellum and paper by leading artists from the US and the UK, and is timed to coincide with the American Society of Botanical Artists’ 19th Annual International at the New York Design Center…. Read More.