Every April and October, we pay close attention to the happenings at High Point Market, one of the home decor industry’s largest trade shows. What’s seen at High Point often dictates the trends in interior design and furniture for the next year to come…. Read More.

Since so many of our clients are interior designers, and design is a large part of what we do, we always like to keep up with the trends in the industry. Which means, each spring and fall, we pay close attention to what happens at High Point Market…. Read More.

A few weeks back, we posted on the popularity of “the statement art piece”–a large or bold piece of art the serves as the focal point for a room. After keeping a close watch on last week’s High Point Spring Market (also known as the “fashion week” of the interior design community) through various blogs and social media, we realized we weren’t the only ones honing in on this trend…. Read More.