We’ve hung thousands of pictures, works of art, and framed photos in the homes of our clients, and we’ve seen, and come up with, some wonderfully creative ways to do it. If you’re looking for some creative picture hanging ideas, check out these photos from our archives that just might inspire your display…. Read More.

 There are certain spots in the home where we find people have a tougher time deciding what to put in them. Namely: The entryway, above a sofa, and over the bed. Our theory is that these are prominent spots in the home, places that make first impressions and where we spend a lot of time, so there’s pressure to choose the right piece, something that’s beautiful, and speaks to our style and personalities. … Read More.

Last week, we showed off a few images of work we did for Tory Burch’s Manhattan office space that appeared in Architectural Digest. Well, it’s been a great month for ILevel, because no sooner did we post those photos, did we spot our art hanging work again, this time in Elle Decor! … Read More.